RidePro Analog. Utan Bälgar
Control airride equipped vehicle height with this affordable air suspension leveling system This is the original RidePro system developed in the nineties. It still works exceptionally well if you like simplicity and manual control. The system utilizes a high quality solenoid air valve system manual switches, analog gauges and dependable electric components to provide simple, & reliable control.
Ride quality Air suspension provides a huge range of tuning range for load capacity and spring rate without tools or component changes. At the push of a button, you can literally compress weeks of conventional spring and shock tuning into a few minutes with an air suspension that is adjustable.
Handling performance Most airsprings are progressive… the farther you compress them the stiffer they get. When you combine this inherent progressive spring rate with air pressure adjustability, the performance potential is enormous. As with tuning ride quality as explained above, you can greatly condense the time needed to optimize performance.
Performance customization Everyone has their own personal idea of how vehicle should ride and handle. With air suspension, these wishes can be accommodated with little or no changes in components. By adjusting air pressure and shock valving, you can tune a given vehilce vehicle to be soft and comfortable, firm and tight... or anywhere in between.